Saturday, September 12, 2009

First Days of School

Well the kids and I just got back from a trip to Iowa on Tuesday (9/8) and the day after we got home school started for Alex. And although I have pictures to share of the trip I thought school photos should take precedence. Alex's first day was Wednesday (9/9) he came home with a big smile and said he had a great day! Max had kindergarten orientation that day for an hour, and parents we expected to be there and we were. Max was really nervous and threw up 3 times on the way into the classroom. But on his first day Friday (1/2 the class went Thursday the other 1/2 Friday) he was excited and smiling and came home smiling saying he had a great day too.

Here they are getting ready for the big day.

Here's Alex on his first day (9/9). Grandma and Grandpa Steffen were still here for his big day. (Out of the generosity of their very big hearts they helped the kids and I get to and from Iowa)

Max on his first day of kindergarten (9/10).

Sophia in a sleepy daze watching her brothers get on the bus.


Sara Shook said...

Looks like they both had a good day- how did Sophie do with both of her big brothers gone? I'm sure she helped out with Henry. :) See you in less than a month!

Coco said...

I'm glad they both had good first days! Poor Max, I hope he got feeling better quickly. Sophie looked a little sad seeing them did she do as the "big kid" of the house for the day? See you soon!

Mindy said...

poor little max!!! glad he was happy after his first day. ayla got on the wrong bus her 3rd day. she's been a bit apprehensive since then - hope that gets better!

Kara said...

Sophia's doing pretty well with the big boys gone. I think she misses them though.