We had a very nice Memorial Day weekend. We grilled almost every night and ate outside in the back patio. We relaxed (as you can see in this picture) and played and just enjoyed ourselves. We even went to a little train museum nearby but I didn't bring the camera along for that - opps! We also made ice cream and the kids watched some more Duck Tales which they love! It's a wonderful thing to bribe them with to get their toys picked up.
The kids played in the water alot. There was a lot of swimming and water gun fights. (In the first picture, you see Sophia getting Alex in the butt, if you look close Max is getting Sophia's butt in the same picture.)
Henry had corn on the cob for the first time - he liked it!
Alex's cub scout troop, along with another troop, built two picnic tables and a well cover for a small historic area. So we all took a little drive out to see them.
Randy ended the weekend by building a picnic table for our back patio. The kids all had fun taking turn helping, a little. Henry wanted to help, but couldn't of course. Then we (minus Henry, he was in bed) had ice cream before bed to break in the new table!