Saturday, May 22, 2010

A big day!

Aunt Kathy and Uncle Dale stopped over with donuts and Max's gifts for him today. (His 6th birthday is tomrrow) It was a great way to start the day!

Max invited about 5 boys over for his birthday party, only one could make it. But they had a lot of fun anyway. Max wanted a ice cream cake, so I didn't make one for him this year. Sophia got Max some foam paper and stickers, so all the kids (minus Henry) finished the party by making some art projects.

Sophia, who is now always dressed up, doing art with foam stickers during Max's party.

Henry stood all by himself for the first time today!! Once he got the hang of it he couldn't stop doing it all day!

Alex finished the day, shooting his bow and arrow (at a box) in the back yard. Then doing a little reading.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

i can relate so well to all these pictures. i think our kids would get along well. dressing up & crafting are the 2 things ayla does every day. and micah is obsessed with his bow & reading. i didn't remember that ayla & max were so close in age. looks like he had a happy birthday!