Here he is with Mrs. Cervino, his teacher. She is great! We love her a lot. The pictures here are actually opposite of how they took place. The program was first and then we went to his classroom and then we all went to the lunch room for cake. Max and Sophia really got lucky and had two pieces of cake!! It was a good day.
Here he is with Mrs. Calangilo, the TA for his class.
Yeah! Aunt Kathy made it, everyone is always so excited to see Aunt Kathy. We were all so glad she could come. Alex was able to leave class to watch the graduation but we sent him back to his own room once it was done.
Here's the little turkey with his pig mask on sideways shaking hands with the Principal (Sr. Katherine) and main priest at the school (Fr. Kennedy). I looked at Randy and said "who's kid is that?" as he grimaced.
All the kindergarten classes worked together to present us the story of "The Little Red Hen". As you can see Max was one of the pigs. There you can see him saying his line "I love homemade bread", (only he can't say his r's yet so it's homemade bed :)).
So exciting! We can't wait to see you all- just a little over a week until we will be there!
Congratulations Max! That looks like it was a very fun and exciting day for everyone. Give him a kiss/hug from us. See you soon!!
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