Saturday Timmy turned 4 mo. old. This week he had a routine check up and he's doing well. He weighed 14 lbs. 1 oz. He's starting to coo a lot more, and he seems to be almost rolling over and smiles a lot, especially at people. The kids continue to take great care of him.
Last weekend we traveled to Illinois to see Sara and Eric's (Randy's little sister and husband) new baby, Parker, be baptized. I was honored to be choosen to be the little guy's godmother. We had a fun weekend hanging out with family and the baptism went very well.
Cute little Parker after the big event.
Henry holding Parker after the baptism.
Here's our crew all decked out for the baptism.
On Sunday Randy's finger started bothering him. By Tues. this is what it looked like. By Friday imagine it about twice as big more purple and the nail pulling away plus big yellowish coloring by the nail. ( I meant to get a picture). It was gross. And very painful for Randy. He was on Tylenol most of the time but when it wore off in the middle of the night it was so painful it would wake him and he couldn't sleep. But Friday when it had gotten worse instead of better, they did surgery. It was at one in the afternoon at a Surgery Specialty building. He has been feeling good and it seems to be doing just fine. Tuesday he needs to go back to have the surgeon look at it to make sure it's healing well.
Your kids are so cute! Randy's finger does look very painful. I hope it feels better soon. Give them all hugs & kisses from us! Stay warm and hope to see you all soon.
what happened to his finger? i'm kinda glad you forgot to take another photo. YIKES!
Mindy, it's just from pulling/biting a hangnail, that then got infected somehow.
Oh my, will he ever be able to golf again? Better watch where you put your fingers mister!!!
I think you guys should print that one of the kids before Parker's baptism ... it'd look great above your sofa. ;-)
How's that for the pushy sister/aunt?
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