Saturday, January 5, 2013

More visitors

Aunt Wendy and Uncle Bob also came out for a visit Oct. 21-27. It was great having them here. A little girl power here,  Aunt Wendy and  Sophia together.

Lucas, Max, Uncle Bob, Timmy and Henry hanging out.

We were fortunate to have Grandma Steffen still visiting. We all loved having her here. She's patiently helping Sophia, Timmy and Henry play on her Kindle

While everyone was here Max had his Halloween party for cubscouts on the same night Alex had his first court of honor for boyscouts.  Randy and Bob took Sophia,Max, and Henry to the party.  While Wendy, Margaret, Kathy, Dale, Timmy and I went to Alex's award ceremony.  The two big award he received that night were his cycling merit badge and his rank advancement from scout to tenderfoot.  In boy scouts the mom also gets a pin when her son advances a rank. Congrats Alex!

While Bob, Wendy and Margaret were here Randy turned 38!  We went out for dinner, listened to the birthday song (by the Beatles), and had chocolate cake.  Aunt Wendy taught me how to me how to make chocolate frosting, - just add cocoa powder to vanilla frosting.  Wow! That was easy, and delicious.  The next day Wendy and Bob had their 25th wedding anniversary.  Somehow Wendy ended up cooking her very yummy meatballs for all of us.

We also went to the zoo.  The weather was perfect, we took our jackets off and even got warm.  Everyone who visits the zoo with us, must get their picture taken by the fake tiger.  Margaret, Henry, Bob, Timmy, Wendy, and somewhere in that stroller is Luke.  Alex, Max, and Sophia had school that day.

Rock climbing by the goats.

Luke's fist trip to the zoo. I'm not sure he even knows he was there.

Henry the Penguin

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