Monday, February 9, 2009


We played a little with playdough today. Max is making popcorn chicken and Sophia was making a blob to see how many playdough toys and popcicle sticks she could stick in it.


Mindy said...

we made playdough yesterday & the kids had a blast! they were mostly burying things in it & making me guess what was in there. then they would dig it out & pretend they found dinosaur bones! how are you? does it feel like spring yet?

Kara said...

Hey Mindy, We're good. It doesn't feel like spring yet here, and I could totally identify the other day when I read your blog and you said you felt so uninspired. Though I try not to let the weather determine my mood, the sun the last couple days has made it easier to smile a lot more. I'm feeling good, and mulling over names. I have an ultasound Mon. - that'll be fun! How's your knee?