Sunday, April 11, 2010


For Easter this year we were able to go back to Iowa. It was wonderful, we wish we could make it an annual tradition. I was going to show pics. of Alex's birthday (which was the day we left for IA), the pinewood derby and our church Easter egg hunt and Easter in IA, but I realized that's a lot of pictures, so I'll catch you up slowly. Here's all our Easter celebrations in Iowa.

Easter at my dad's with all 9 cousins. We had a great time together and the kids loved hiding and finding eggs for each other.

The Steffen Easter was a lot of fun,and very relaxing. There were about 300 eggs that these 7 kids on the swing found!

The Easter Bunny and Easter Frog came to Grandma Steffen's. Everyone was pretty excited to dig through their baskets, and so Henry was the first to find a hidden Easter egg.

We celebrated at Great Grandma and Grandpa Wood's with Uncle Nick, Aunt Joni and Kale and Brady.

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