Friday, February 8, 2013

Nov.27 - Dec.27

Lucas at 2 months old, hanging out in his swing.  Love those smiles.

Before coming back to Iowa for Christmas Alex had his Christmas concert.  He plays trumpet and was the only experienced student this year in band (meaning the only student that had been in band longer than 1 year).  So he was the only one eligible to play in the Christmas concert, and so had his first solo! We were so proud of him. He did great!

We got back to Iowa early Friday morning , so we had a few days to relax before the fun of celebrating Christmas began.  Here's Grandma Steffen with her grandkids and great grandkids 4 years old and under. Our muchkins are to her right.  Henry holding Luke and Timmy.

While in Iowa we couldn't miss a trip to the Dunkerton Fire Station, where 3 of Randy's brothers are volunteer fire fighters.  Everyone had a lot of fun.  Sophia, Henry, Timmy and Alex are checking out a fire engine.

Christmas Eve.  Aunt Sara and Uncle Eric had the great idea of getting everyone matching pajamas!  Don't they look terrific?! (L- R) Henry, Oliver, Max, Alex, Sophia, Parker, Timmy and the front row the babies, Julia and Lucas celebrating their first Christmas.

Christmas morning checking out all their goodies. (Max, Alex and Henry)

Oliver, Sophia and Randy checking out the new ipad our kids got from Great Grandma and Great Grandma Leymaster, Uncle Pat and us.

After a relaxing Christmas morning, we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Leymasters to celebrate with them and my brother's family.  It was nice and also a relaxing time.  Grandpa Leymaster and Lucas just hanging out.

Kale and Timothy playing with all of Nick's old legos!  Dad and Cheryl got all Nick's legos out for Kale and Brady to take home.

On the 27th we celebrated Christmas with my brother and his family, plus Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Wood. Timmy, Alex, Lucas, Sophia, Max, Brady, Kale and Henry at Nick (my brother) and Joni's.

Playing operation together with Uncle Nick.

Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Wood celebrating Christmas with us.

Randy, Luke, and Great Grandma Leymaster for a short visit over Christmas.

Great Grandpa checking out what the kids are up to, it's Max, Alex, Timmy and Henry.

Dec. 27  Lucas is 3 months old. 

1 comment:

Coco said...

At a quick glance I thought it was Alex playing operation, not Nick.

Good job on the solo Alex!