Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May Crowning and Cub Scouts Moving Up Ceremony - May 13

May crowning at St. Rose has become a big deal for the 6th graders.  The 6th grade does much of the mass.  They get to dress up and then get to go out for lunch with their classmates and parents after mass.  (If you don't know May crowning is a special day Catholics remember Mary. We remember what a wonderful example she is to us in her total obedience to God when she agreed to being Jesus' mother. )
St. Rose 6th graders.  Alex is in the middle row 3rd from the left.

Aunt Kathy was nice enough to take the 3 littlest so Randy and I could both be there.

Alex and his best buddy, Ethan.

Jeffery, Jacob, Michael, and Alex.

The cub scouts had their moving up ceremony Monday night. Max completed all the requirements for his Bear badge and is now considered a Weblo.  (The parents (and little brothers if you have them) go up and stand next to their child when they receive their badge so we did a picture at home).  Congrats Max !

I made a cake for the ceremony.  There is a bridging over part for the Weblos 2 who become boy scouts.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations Max!! Good job :)