Sunday, January 19, 2014

Christmas Day 2

The next day we were in Dunkerton, celebrating another birthday. This time it was Parker's and he turned 3!  He had a sledding party - that was COLD! complete with hot chocolate and a Thomas the train cake.
Birthday boy and his dad (Parker and Eric) ready to go!

Braden and Henry getting a push down the hill from Grandpa/Uncle Bob.

George on his sled.

Madison took Lukey down the hill, it was too cold for him to stay out very long.

Sara giving Oliver a push.

There goes Alex!

Max's turn. 

Sophia headed back up the hill for another go at it!

Timmy snuggling Aunt Wendy, it was so cold!

Everyone watching the birthday boy get ready to blow out his candles.

Blowing out the candles!

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