Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Camping in Cooperstown

For years we have been saying, "Let's really do some camping." And so this year we're finally really are!
We arrived at the campground on Thursday afternoon.  After looking at the available sites we settled on one that was down in bog area, with lots of wonderful shade.  Pretty quickly after we had the tents up, Max and Alex went fishing.

We took a walk to check out the campsite.  This little bridge straddles a spring fed creek.  We didn't put our feet in that night, but during the day Saturday we did.

We also checked out the playground. It was a great playground. Obviously, four of the kids are spinning around here, but at one point all 6 kids were on the merry-go-round.

These see-saws and the swings were a big hit with the kids. As was the little tree-house, wooden fire truck, cement tunnel, and tractor tire.  To one side of the playground was some fenced in pasture for some goats, ponies, and a horse.  Saturday night the animals were all out eating grass and daisies, so we were able to get a good look at them, but none of the animals came close enough for us to pet them.  Lucas really thought he should be in with the animals. He tried to shimmy under the fence at one point, and then climb over the top of it a little later. (We didn't let him succeed.)

Alex found a small frog on the way home from the playground Thursday night.

We also checked out the arcade in the barn.  Someone left some unused time on this video game, after trying to get one of the older boys to play it and not having any success (what is that about?) Randy had fun playing it.  The helmet he's wearing turned 360 degrees and all the visuals were inside the helmet, so the enemy could attack from any direction.  It was amusing to watch, he said it was pretty fun to play.

Being in a small valley gave lots of climbing opportunities.   Alex and Max are going up the hill as Henry comes down.

Even little Lukey wanted to help find kindling.

Sophia, Max and Alex husking corn to eat that night.  We cooked it in a cooler, just like Uncle Steve in Kentucky.

If you look closely you can see Henry relaxing in Neil's '71 Volkswagen bus.  Neil drove and slept in his bus while camping with us. The kids loved it and were in it a lot.  He decked it out with camping gear all from 1971 (like the red cooler you see there).  Alex had the good idea that we should really get him some clothes from 1971 to wear while he camps.

Randy and Neil trying to get his old lantern lit.

Friday night the kids that wanted too went for pony rides.  Here you see Timmy he had the honor of going first!

Sophia took a turn.

And Lukey took a turn.  Henry, Max and Alex opted out.  The campsite also did hayrides. We all went on the one offered Saturday night. It was a fun little ride around the campsite.  Timmy and Henry had fun waving to everyone.  Randy got a lot of info on the campground from a seasonal camper he sat next to.  And Henry said, " This is the longest I've ever ridden without a seat belt."

The kids with Mr. Mulligan, as they call him.  We had Timmy in there at one point but for some reason he took off crying.  (He recovered quickly.) (Max, Neil, Sophia, Alex, Lukey and Henry)

Like mentioned earlier, the kids and I spent a little time at the creek. The water was ice cold but felt good on our toes.  Max had been down with us and tried to build a damn, without much luck. Mostly, everyone walked around and collected rocks.

Sophia hanging out on the bridge after spending some time in the creek.

This picture Sophia took of Timmy and me by the creek.

Neil taught Alex how to play cribbage over the weekend. Max and Henry just watched what was going on.

Lukey after swimming Saturday. We visited the pool both Friday and Saturday. The water was ice cold! The consensus among the adults was, when jumping in it felt your heart might stop from the shock of the icey water, but we all survived.

Henry got a little fishing time in with Randy has well. Even though it was catch and release, no one ever had anything to release.

Sophia took this fine picture of our outhouse.  There were flush toilet we used sometimes, but we all used this one too.  There was no light in it, so it was very dark even in the middle of the day. Thank goodness for the lanterns.

This was out sink.  We loved it! It made washing dishes, very easy!

These last 3 pictures were suppose to be at the top of the page,but somehow ended up at the end.  Anyway, this is what is needed for our family of 8 to camp for 3 nights!

And this is our crew ready to go !!

The croaking toads were such a part of our camping experience this time I felt obligated to add a picture Randy got of one of them.  This guy and his buddies sang to us all night long. From sun down to sun up.  Also worth mentioning, although we didn't get a picture of it, Henry, Sophia and Timmy all got an opportunity to explore the campground with Randy after dark on Saturday. Which proved to be exciting for everyone.

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