Thursday, May 28, 2009

Max's Birthday

Max's actual birthday was busy and fun. He got his gifts from us in the morning. He got a tackel box with the $5 he needed to get his DS he's been saving for. Then he got to buy the DS. He and Alex spent the afternoon at a friend's house and then I'm pretty sure they played DS the rest of the day. (We dropped them off at Kathy and Dale's at the end of the day so we could go out for our anniversary.)


Mindy said...

happy anniversary! was it your 12th this year? we're going out for ours tonight. the first time we've left kaia with a babysitter! oh, & i like max's IA shirt. does your brother buy them for the kids like mine does?

Coco said...

It looks like he had a good birthday! He'll have to show Chris his tackle box this summer. Tell him happy birthday a week late from us, and happy anniversary to you and Randy! Time flies when you're having fun! See you soon.