Saturday, June 6, 2009

Aunt Eileen and Uncle Pat visit

Lots of stories were read, we grilled, went to a play and shopped. We had a great time.

Eileen, Sophia, Max and Henry went to the National Women's Rights Museum - which turned out to be very interesting and the kids did surprisingly well. Alex was in school, and the guys like I said were golfing.

Eileen, the kids and I went swimming almost everyday at the hotel they were staying at, while the guys golfed.

Uncle Pat brought his pink DS, so there was lots of triple down-load-playing.

Henry was very happy to see them arrive.
This week Aunt Eileen and Uncle Pat visited. We did a lot while they were here and we hate that we had to say good-bye.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

thanks, kara. our date went well until we tried to go rollerblading. there was a mama mouse w/ 4 babies in one of my blades!! a sure sign that it's been far too long!