Monday, August 30, 2010

Last Saturday

Randy helped the kids tie Alex up in the back yard. Everyone seemed to think it was fun, including Alex. Well, actually Henry wasn't sure what to think at first, he was upset and crying, but he got over that you see.
If you look closely under Max's feet you'll see a jump rope he strung up on the swing set, he spent a long time Saturday evening trying to walk on his tight rope. Here's me and the baby on Saturday. We're getting very big, uh? But I'm just trying to enjoy these last days of this pregnancy because the real work and sleeplessness haven't even begun! (I'm/We're all anxious to see the little girl or guy though.) The latest pig pile. Henry got a haircut!


Sara Shook said...

Henry looks so much bigger! Looks like they all are having fun- we are excited to see your little guy or girl too :) Enjoy sleeping through the night for a little while longer :)

Coco said...

You look SPECTACULAR! It looks like you have all been having a lot of fun. I'm very excited to come out and see the newest edition too; try to rest up as much as possible. See you soon!

Jess said...

We are anxious to see if its a boy or girl. Leah really thinks Sophia needs a sister!