Monday, September 2, 2013

Boy Scout Camp

Alex went to Boy Scout  Camp  from July28 - Aug. 3.  This year he went to Sabattis, which is in the foothills of the Adirondacks.  He was worried about meeting a bear while there, but thankfully that didn't happen (though some other campers did!).  He had a very busy and fun week.  He earned 6 merit badges, which is a lot of badges for such a short amount of time.  He brought home a key chain he made, learning how to do leather work.  He also brought home a small basket, he made learning how to do weaving.

Here is his tent, his bed is on the right.

Spruces is the name of his troops' camp site.

Alex earned the wilderness survival badge while at camp.  This is a picture of the survival shelter he built that he also spent the night in.  He was very glad it didn't rain.  I thought it looked great for a first attempt.

In his shelter.

Another view of his shelter.

Here's the beach where they spent quite a bit of time.

A view from the beach.

All the boys from Alex's troop that camped with him.

The beginning of a bonfire.

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