Monday, May 4, 2015

Randy made us a compost bin!

About a month ago, Randy made us a compost bin. We got a blue bin off craig's list, and away he went. Here's Max peeking in the door Randy made so we have a way to throw scrapes in and get compost out.

While Randy worked and I helped some, Timmy rode his bike.

Sophia helping Luke on his bike around the cul de sac in front of our house.

Randy made a stand for the bin, so it's easy to rotate and mix it all up, it's also harder for animals in our back yard to get  into and we can pull the wheelbarrow up and fill it with all our compost. Sophia and Madisen gave it it's first coat of paint.

Then Henry joined in for a little while.

Randy spay painting it black.

While he worked Henry and Timmy ate some Cheeto's!

And Luke continued to ride his bike.

Here it is drying in the back patio.

Ta - Da! All done and in it's final spot.

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