Monday, May 4, 2015

Sophia's 1st communion

April 25th Sophia received her first communion at St. Rose of Lima Church. Here she is processing in.

Sophia read an intention during the service and there's the back of her head as she receives her first communion from Fr. Seite.

This year they took a moment for a group photo.

Sophia processing out.

After communion we did a number of pictures. Here's all 6 munchkins dressed up.

A family photo.

All of us with Grandma.

Mom, Sophia and Dad.

Sophia wore her cousin Kelli's dress, so we definitely needed a picture of the two girls together.

We were so glad to have Sophia's Grandma Steffen out for Sophia's important day.

Sophia and her godfather, Bob.

Bob and all his god children, Sophia, Parker, who is so happy to be in the picture, and Kelli.

The girl cousins that were there, Samantha, Sophia, Julia and Kelli. (The boys were way to busy playing, running, and doing anything but being in a picture.)

Sophia and Julia.  Sophia was blessed with lots of visitors for her special day.  Her guest that we didn't get pictures of were Aunt Coco, Aunt Wendy, Aunt Sara, Uncle Eric, Oliver, Aunt Kathy and Uncle Dale. As well Rebecca and Madisen plus Madisen's mom, Karen, came.

After pictures we had lunch followed by cupcakes.

After the cupcakes that afternoon all the ladies got either a pedicure or manicure. It was a great way to celebrate together. Sophia absolutely loved it, she got her toes done and couldn't stop smiling, none of us could really.

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